Yoga is like traveling in the soul through the body.
It has many faces and multiple paths.
I have been teaching yoga of the body since 2000:
Postures (asana), movements (vinyasa) and breathing exercises (pranayama).
Over the years I was exposed to practice methods that came out of India in the 20th century, and I realized that each method is limited to the consciousness of the person who invented it.
Trough Yoga teacher training I took on the task of developing and organizing yoga practices that are open to new knowledge, diverse and adapted to changing populations and times.
I built a school of yoga based on five principles that enable "systematic practice without a method" - organizing variable classes based on anatomical understanding, love of movement and recognition of the unity between body and mind.
Teaching and emphasizing the art of sequencing.
The five principles are:
Asana Vinyasa | Variations and degrees of difficulty |
Preparation and target asana | Compensation | Numerical order
It's like writing endless poems in the same language,
This way you can practice within the yoga language of the body, every day, a completely different sequence and at the same time stay within the same language -
movement. position. breath.
For those interested ,Video lessons are open for practice.
In addition, I recommend two books to start the journey in yoga:
Health, Healing and Beyond: Yoga and the Living Tradition of Krishnamacharya by T.K.V Desikachar and R.H. Cravens
The yoga tradition by Georg Feuerstein, ph.d
Weekly lessons:
Ellayoga in Port TLV. Tuesday 10:30, Friday 8:30
Gordon Pool TLV. Wednesday 5:00 p.m., Friday 11:30 a.m